Biology Resources


Central Search by EBSCO

  • A one stop shop for searching almost all library and database content. Uses simple searching and full-text linking to get you to resources faster!
  • Aggregated searching for better results! Clickable limits and options in the left column.
  • Clickable boxes for peer-reviewed and full-text content
  • Easily save, print, or email marked records and create citations for your bibliography.
  • Combine terms using AND, OR and NOT EX: "diabetes and children" will return results with both terms, "diabetes or blood sugar" will return results with either term, and "diabetes not children" will get rid of anything about children.

BioOne: a collection of full text, high impact bioscience journals, now linked through ProQuest Central.

  • Content is searchable by keyword, author, and journal title.
  • Browse entire issues of a journal
  • Entries are fully hyper-texted, including author information, references, and illustrations

Science Reference Center : a comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full text science-oriented content.

  • Contains full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc.
  • Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.

PLOS Biology: Open Access, high impact peer reviewed biology resources

Credo Reference: An excellent full-text integrated reference database. Contains linked searching to other resources and visual concept mapping.


Use the AVALON and Mobius catalogs

Avalon includ[ing] CMU, Mo Valley, UCM, and State Fair, among others. Items from AVALON usually arrive in 2-3 days and check out for 1 month.

MOBIUS catalog is state wide; items requested arrive in 5-7 days and check out for 3 weeks. Request items from off-campus using your name and student ID number.

Specific scientific terms will not return many results, so try to use broader terms.


Biology Online


National Science Digital Library

Encyclopedia of Life