Athletic Training Resources


Central Search by EBSCO

A one stop shop for searching almost all library and database content. Uses simple searching and full-text linking to get you to resources faster!

  • Aggregated searching for better results! Clickable limits and options in the left column.
  • Clickable boxes for peer-reviewed and full-text content.
  • Easily save, print, or email marked records and create citations for your bibliography.
  • Use our interlibrary loan form to order articles that are not full-text.

CINAHL Plus with Full-Text: Scholarly allied health database in a new interface.

  • Search using keyword smart searching, by publication, or with improved guided subject searching using standardized medical terminology.
  • Combine terms using AND, OR and NOT EX: "diabetes and children" will return results with both terms, "diabetes or blood sugar" will return results with either term, and "diabetes not children" will get rid of anything about children.
  • New "Narrow Results By" tabs to improve searching capabilities and provided targeted results.

Consumer Health Complete : a comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content.

  • Designed to support patients' information needs and foster an overall understanding of health-related topics.
  • Provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic and integrated medicine.

Credo Reference: A full-text electronic reference database. Choose "Find a Book" and then "Subject- Medicine" for full-text reference works including hundreds of illustrations and images. A great place to start!

PubMed: Accessible on the web. An extremely comprehensive citation database; no full-text.

UpToDate: a comprehensive collection of clinical reference material. Material includes updates to medical literature, drug interactions, calculators for various metrics, and references for updating clinical practice.


Use the AVALON and Mobius catalogs

Avalon includ[ing] CMU, Mo Valley, UCM, and State Fair, among others. Items from AVALON usually arrive in 2-3 days and check out for 1 month.

MOBIUS catalog is state wide; items requested arrive in 5-7 days and check out for 3 weeks. Request items from off-campus using your name and student ID number.

Specific medical terms will not return many results, so try to use broader terms.


National Center for Health Statistics

National Athletic Trainers' Association

InnerBody: Human Anatomy Online

College Athletic Trainers' Society

Musculoskeletal Atlas Project

Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO)

Cochrane Collaboration: Evidence based healthcare

Electronic Journals:

Athletic Training Education Journal

Physician and Sports Medicine