History Resources


Credo Reference: An excellent full-text integrated reference database. Contains linked searching to other resources and visual concept mapping. The BEST place to start!

Central Search: A one stop shop for searching almost all library and database content. Uses simple searching and full-text linking to get you to resources faster.

  • Search the entire library interface, including ebooks
  • Combine terms using AND, OR and NOT EX: "American and continental" will return results with both terms, "American or continental" will look for both terms. "British not English" will get rid of anything containing "English".
  • Clickable boxes for peer-reviewed and full-text content
  • Easily save, print, or email marked records and create citations for your bibliography.
  • Use our interlibrary loan form to order articles that are not full-text.

Directory of Open Access Journals - History: A scholarly collection of openly available research journals in many disciplines, including history.

Lexis/Nexis: Academic Universe includes business, legal and medical journals as well as major newspapers from around the world. All content is full-text, but may not be scholarly!


Use the AVALON and Mobius catalogs

AVALON catalog includ[ing] CMU, Mo Valley, UCM, and State Fair, among others. Items from AVALON usually arrive in 2-3 days and check out for 1 month.

MOBIUS catalog is state wide; items requested arrive in 5-7 days and check out for 3 weeks. Request items from off-campus using your name and student ID number.


U.S. National Archives

American Memory Project

Smithsonian Institute

History.com American and World History