Student Occupational Therapy Association

S.O.T.A. is a student led campus organization designed to promote the field of Occupational therapy, stimulate professional growth of students, and provide information to the general public about occupational therapy. SOTA creates a culture that is member-driven and facilitates communication between pre-OTA students and current OTA students. We promote the objectives of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and Missouri Occupational Therapy Association (MOTA). Look for announcements about fundraising events, campus-wide activities and guest speakers!
S.O.T.A. meeting time will be determined soon.
- President: Kayce Messner
- Vice President: Jordyn Ball
- Secretary: Brea Shipley
- Treasurer: Shelby Bilyeu
Advisor: Dawn Sublette, OTR/L and Jim Gavel, COTA