Master of Health Professions Education

The Master of Health Professions Education Program is an online program in the College of Graduate and Extended Studies at Central Methodist University that provides qualified students the knowledge necessary to pursue opportunities in health education. The Master of Health Professions Education Program's mission is to prepare healthcare professionals to practice in an undergraduate faculty role with a master's degree. The primary focus is to provide advanced education, skills and knowledge fostering ethical leadership and social responsibility in higher education.

Program Location 

  • All Online

Program Outcomes

At the end of this program the graduate will be able to:
1. Examine the relationship between the changing healthcare environment and health professions education.
2. Determine how trends and issues in higher education affect health professions education.
3. Utilize current research when developing instructional techniques and assessment/evaluation methods.
4. Develop a plan to support diversity and inclusion in health professions education.
5. Design a course that includes: appropriate goals/objectives, effective instructional techniques, and appropriate assessment/evaluation methods.

Contact the school of health professions

Admission Criteria

  1. Eligible for admission to Central Methodist University's Graduate School
  2. Current Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university in a health professions field.
    a. Higher Learning Commission, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Middle States Commission on Higher Education, New England Commission of Higher Education, Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, WASC Senior College and University Commission, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, National Association of Schools of Music, Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education, The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, The Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs, Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, and other accrediting bodies subject to approval by the Registrar.
  3. Cumulative GPA 3.0 on a 4.0 scale from the completed Baccalaureate program
  4. Statistics course with a C grade or better
  5. Submission of an Application for Admission
  6. Resume and cover letter (one page each) detailing why you are pursuing a graduate degree and how you will use this degree. Submit to

Conditional Admission

Students who do not meet the published admission criteria for the program may petition for conditional admission during the Admission Review Process. Petition letters must explain why the student does not meet the standard and provide a valid reason for consideration for acceptance. Additionally, students should express how they plan to be successful should their petition to be considered for admission be granted. The Health Professions Committee will then submit a recommendation to the Director of Graduate Studies once the petition has been reviewed.

Criteria Upon Acceptance

Students need to have a computer with access to the internet to be successful in this program. They must also have Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or newer version to enable them to submit papers to the faculty which are easily opened and by which faculty comments can be submitted as feedback to the students. Documents must be saved in .rtf, .doc, or .docx format.

Requirements for Continuation in Program


Students must earn a grade of "B" in all HPE courses. Should a student receive a grade of less than B for any one HPE course, s/he must repeat the course.
Should the student receive any second grade of less than B for any HPE course, the second grade of less than a B will result in the student's dismissal from the HPE program.
Any student not actively participating in the HPE program for more than three consecutive semesters is dropped from the program and must reapply for consideration for acceptance into the program.
Note: No current CMU student shall supervise another CMU student as part of any CMU course. This specifically includes all practicum, internships, and student-teaching experiences or related courses. Students should consult the appropriate advisor if they have any questions regarding their assignment for the aforementioned experiences.

Graduation Requirements

1. A 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. must be maintained and a grade of "B" or above must be earned in all graduate course work. Should a student receive a grade of less than a "B" the student must "stop out" and return to repeat that course before continuing.
2. The HPE Program must be completed within five years of the initial start date.


Method of Assessment

Specific Program Outcomes are aligned with each course. Each course has primary objectives which illuminate the aligned Program Outcomes. Satisfactory achievement of the identified primary objective demonstrates accomplishment of the Program Outcome. Each primary objective has a specific course assignment for which successful completion of the assignment at or above the established threshold signifies student achievement of the objective.


Student evaluations of instruction (SEIs) are reviewed at the end of each course and each academic year as part of the School of Health Professions yearly evaluation process. Graduate, alumni, and employer surveys are issued annually in December. The surveys are designed to provide an opportunity for these groups of constituents to provide feedback to the programs regarding the achievement of program outcomes and new opportunities to provide service.


Faculty provide primary feedback to students regarding assignments through the course management system, Canvas. Rubrics used to grade assignments with comments appended are attached to the course room. Feedback for assignments is NOT provided through email.
Faculty are required to respond to student assignments with feedback not more than 7 days following the due date for the assignment. Work turned in early does not require earlier feedback.
Faculty will be active participants in the discussion forum at least once per week.
Faculty should respond to questions and concerns communicated via Courseroom in no more than 24 hours.

Degrees Available

  • Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) - Online

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